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porfavor metan una actualizacion masiba, es un juego con muchisimo pontencial

Estamos trabajando en ello, hay muchas actualizaciones en mente

Con cuanta frecuencia actualizan el juego ?

De momento cada dos semanas aproximadamente

though this was  a fnaf type game for sec there

it looks nice, I'm waiting for good updates.

The game has a really cute art style but there is a really strange bug where it just freezes at 12AM and won't let me proceed no matter how many times I press continue

it's a bug that's should be fixed by 0.3, you need to restart the game and you'll have ur save in the autosave

(1 edit) (+1)

Who is the game artist?? I love this kind of art style

The game is going good btw

Edit: (In the android 2.1 version for some reason you can't deliver packages, if you do the game stills and you re forced to load)

@angelsonline0 on twiter

v0.1 saves arent compatible anymore and cant activate dialogs :(

Don't worry, the casino is still broken in an hour im going to reach the same point 😁

me e quedado atascado y siempre me ponen el mismo dialogo y no se como avanzar AYUDA URGENTE ME QUEDE SIN IDEAS

actualmente hay pocos diálogos, iremos agregando más en cada versión, v0.2 sigue siendo una demo :)

(1 edit)

No puedo pasar de dia cuando me dan el pago. (No va el botón de continuar)

Es un error en la multa, va a estar corregido para la próxima versión :(

Обновление  вышло УРАААА


For some reason every time the day passes I can't continue. I have to close the game and open it again. Good thing the save is still at the same time I closed it but it's still a bit annoying. Great game tho

la partida guardada es de la v0.1? puede que ese sea el problema

Its a bug when you get fined, will be fixed on next versión :(

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

Why the heck the girls just disappears from 3am to 4am? 

Deleted 235 days ago

not a bug ;)

I need details :3


THEY RE BATMAN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

xDDDD i think so too


Me emociono ver las nuevas opciones, espero con ansias la proxima :D


Жду обнову! День:3



Жду обновления! День:2


Жду обновления!  день:1


game makes no sense, poorly made.

When can we expect an update?


Deleted 235 days ago

Why is the Android version not compatible?

what did the  patreon version add ?


control over time and money and the omake with all animations


Needs more tutorial or it looks like a crap shoot.

(3 edits)

Would be a form to pass past-saves?

(If the casino stills in that way, i easily can re-start the game)


me gusto mucho,muchos animos <3

Siempre me aparecen los mismos diálogos con las chicas, ¿Cómo cambio eso?

Es la versión 0.1 por el momento queríamos mostrar las mecánicas bases, para las siguientes actualizaciones agregaremos más diálogos, la historia principal y más contenido que tenemos en mente.


this sucks, even if you spend all your time working you get fined for sleeping at work

naps are good for your health

Hint hint

Guys how do i not get fined for spying on guest ?

you cant spy too much or with someone in front of you, janitor has heart problems :(

Ok thanks ^^

Its a great game overall BUT PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE ADD A SAVE BUTTON and also when i was gambling at night the lights started to flicker and the door opened and closed is this rare? And i also found a bug my screen froze agter i slept for 1 hour i suspect it was the autosave because after i slept it was day 3 now but the screen froze and i lose all of my progress please add a save button we really need it please

you can save at any moment on pause -> games -> new game, will change that confusing button name in next version :)

I didnt know


great start, im excited to see how this game will progress


Can someone tell me in wich rooms the girls are? One is 107, the other?



Also, the discord link is outdated




all who play this be warned, it WILL give you a gambling addiction.
anyway, I'ma go get some chips, who's with me?


the chips are not saved on my side. get 0 when i exited to mainmenu...


if this is well worked I can say that it has definitely a lot of future


really good game,
even if it's only a sort of demo, also maybe you should nerf the casino (like, i use the 120$ from the start  and i just end up with 7'000$ and 150 roll)
continue like this bro 👍

the slots, or the scratch one is op?


algo ocurre a las 3:30

jajaj mo me habia dado cuenta


Muy bueno! Le tengo mucha fe <3

Deleted post

This is a nice game. Glad i found this what appears to be early development, i would love to see how this game does in the future and if possible hope for a mac version to one day come out but if not i at least hope the browser version gets updates as well since thats the only one i'm able to play. Wish you the best and eager to see how this game develops.


Congrats on being the second most popular adult game


thank you!

how do I talk to them the only I visit is when there package


The game is only showing the basics as the game remains only on Version 0.1


found a bug

tell me about it pls


if you catch some combo in casino than click on scratch than back to casino, combo will stay and give tokens or money

thanks will take a look

also if you do it a bunch of times, the casino will break and will permanently give you that reward everytime you click on scratch, making an infinite money/token glitch even if you close the casino or do other actions

Deleted 232 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

yeah it's because it's a sort of a demo or something like that
on the ''future updates'' section you can find what they will add in the next updates so don't try to get anything new playing (for now)

In version 0.1

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